Saturday, October 18, 2008

4. Curb Your Enthusiasm, “The Ski Lift”; November 20, 2005

The Gist: Desperate not to give his dying friend Lewis a kidney, Larry befriends the chief of medicine by pretending to be an Orthodox Jew during a ski vacation, where he plans to ask the doctor to move his friend up the donor list.
Pretty Pretty Pretty Good: Larry David allows viewers to channel their inner asshole. This mostly improvised series is great at showing what a despicable human being Larry is, but presents his reasoning so logically you can’t help but think you would do the same thing. Larry’s offensive impersonation of an orthodox Jewish man will having you laughing and shaking your head at the same time. The wife switch that forces Larry’s arch enemy Susie to pretend to be his wife is a payoff worth waiting four seasons for. The subplot is just as funny. In typical Larry David fashion, he mentions to his buddy Jeff, an old girlfriend accused Jeff of having a small penis. Larry seems to reach an epiphany when Jeff informs him his penis isn’t small, but her vagina is huge. Larry’s obsessions with the doctor, the donor list, the ski vacation and the woman with the huge lady part makes The Ski Lift a perfectly balanced episode with laughs all around.
Best Line: Larry: Women love to do this (makes the small penis gesture with his hand.) Well you know what? From now on, this is me. (makes the big vagina gesture with his hands)
The Whole Truth: Larry David often uses the show to voice frustration in his real life, like when he centered an episode around a film critic who gets his thumbs broken after Roger Ebert gave his film Sour Grapes big thumbs down.

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