Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mailbag Questions

It is time to dip into the ole mailbag again and see what is on the reader's mind lately.

"How do you think Jimmy Fallon is doing in his new position on Late Night? Is he benefiting from having Leno as his lead-in instead of Conan?"

I saw a half of an episode on NBC, two other clips online. To be honest, I wasn't impressed. I didn't expect Fallon to come out and put on the "wet your pants" show of the year, but I thought his first couple of nights would have more energy. After all, he's been preparing for his for like three years. I thought he was trying to do a show that was so loose and natural that the comedy came second hand, but instead it made him look lazy because none of bits really worked. I do think Jimmy is really talented, I think this is a case of him not finding what works for him on his show. All his predecessors went through the same process. Comedy talk shows have luxuries episodic television shows don't. With five episodes a week, forty plus weeks a year, the trial and error process is instantaneous. Plus there aren't as many other talk shows to take your place. With episodic television, they get one episode a week to make really good, and if the audience doesn't like it, your usually shooting at least three or four episodes ahead of the airing, so to go back and get your show on the right path is impossible. On talk shows, if a show doesn't work, the next night you try something else that might. Both Conan O'Brien and Jimmy Kimmel build strong fan bases by word of mouth after the first few years. Remember the "Triumph the Insult Comic Dog" phenomenon from Conan or the "I'm Fucking Matt Damon" song from Kimmel. That's the edgy, outside the box stuff Fallon should attempt, but in his own voice. He's younger than all of them so he should at least try to be as cool.

"Has the success of Witch Mountain ensured the Rock will never come back to wrestling?"

I never like to say never, but I don't think the success of Witch Mountain is only reason The Rock won't wrestle again. It is possible he would do a match or two in the future, but he'll never go back full time. In fact, I think there is a better chance The Rock would come back after the success of a movie, as opposed to it bombing. It's the same reason rich people like to go to their high school reunion. They like to brag about how well they've done since they left. If The Rock couldn't get another acting job to save his life, his return to wrestling would seem like a last resort and put a sour taste in every one's mouth.

"Is U2 over-promoting their new album?"

There's a difference between over-promoting and over-hyping. U2 might be over-promoting, but it's not a bad thing. They are getting their name out there again, appearing on every television show from Late Show with David Letterman to the Homeroom Show at the Sioux City Iowa High School. All they are saying is, "hey we have a new CD out." Over-hyping is like when Kanye West told everyone listening to his CD will give you the answer to the meaning of life.

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